Masonic Brotherhood Fund

Written by R.·. W.·. Robert Stack, State Chairman

The Masonic Brotherhood Fund is the fund raising arm of the Masonic Brotherhood Foundation. It is a 501C3 tax exempt Charity Corporation as designated by the IRS.

For over 50-plus years the Masonic Brotherhood Fund has supported the designated Charities of the Grand Lodge of the State of New York.

Each year for the last 15 years the Brothers, Widows, Lodges and Districts, as well as other interested individuals and businesses have contributed over One Million dollars to these Charities. A proud record for the Craft!

The dedicated efforts of every member of the MBF Committee, as well as the District Deputy Grand Masters, who give freely of their time, has resulted in this continued success.

For more information about the Masonic Brotherhood Fund

The Grand Lodge of New York
71 West 23rd Street
New York, NY 10010-4149